Why Obama

Little at the Republican convention in Tampa jolted the 70 percent or so of Hispanics and Latinos – whom the polls suggest are already in President Obama’s corner – to rethink their support for his re-election.  I still do not know what henna is exactly even after I looked it up on the internet.  I thought I overheard a woman at a restaurant in Charlotte say that “Romney makes me want to rip the hens out of my hair.”  A search on Yahoo for ‘hens’ and ‘hair’ later got me to henna.  Ripping either from your head sounds dreadful – perhaps bad enough for even traditional Republican-voting Cubans to reconsider their presumed vote for Mitt Romney.  If the question does linger for more than a passing moment in any HispanicLatino mind, it can be answered with another question: Why HispanicLatinos?

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