Tim Tebow, South Carolina and ¡Rob! What Would Jesus Do?

Three quick thoughts on a Friday.  The sitcom that premiered last night featuring Rob Schneider as ¡Rob! marrying into a Mexican-American family will have a short run.  Stock language.  Stock stunts.  Stock everything.  Notice anything different between it and what preceded it, The Big Bang Theory?  As much as I had hoped it would click and as well-intentioned as its supporters no doubt are, the show lacks minimal interest.  One of the previews for the program suggested it was a HispanicLatino version of the revered All in the Family.  It did not even begin to approach that old sitcom that broke new ground and even set people to think.  It should be of note that the strongest character in ¡Rob! was Eugenio Derbez, a successful Mexican actor of his own right.  In previous attempts at capturing the HispanicLatino angle, Hollywood fails on the core issue: Trying to stuff the HispanicLatino experience into an American model while tripping up on language.  Viewers got robbed.

Enough with Tim Tebow.  Anyone who shows off his religion as much as he does makes me nervous.  The comment sections of any story on any news site on this guy seem fairly certain there is another story there that in time will come out.  The not-so-hidden references to his allegedly unknown sexual orientation are a bit disquieting.  I pray he is not gay. If he is, this circus will last 75 years.  I hope that the Denver Broncos, a team I ordinarily like, lose badly this weekend for purely selfish reasons. Continue reading