Julián and New Mexico

Even though more Hispanic/Latinos live in Harris County (Houston) than in all of New Mexico, it is difficult to watch brown-skinned people cheer for and defend someone who hates them – and their parents and their families.  But there they were, a few hundred of them, at a Trump rally in New Mexico a couple of days ago.  In the end, most of them hate themselves, so their attendance should not surprise anyone.  Like most misfits, they are a minority.  I do not use that word to be mean or demean.  I use it because these people do not fit in the reality around them.  There was a world-is-flat ambience at that event.

I would think that more than 80 percent of Hispanic/Latinos in New Mexico will vote against Trump next year.  But even if only 100 of these New Mexicans vote for Trump they are of inestimable value to psychologists.  Imagine a Jew rooting for Hitler or a Catholic for the KKK.  Or gays and lesbians going wild for Jerry Falwell.  I wonder what a serious study would conclude these fringe-fried voters have in common.

But to be fair, I can understand if some of those New Mexicans do not see the threat Trump poses, although they live closer to the slaughter in El Paso than I do, and I live in Texas.  Some of them do not see themselves as Hispanic or Latino Americans, like me.  Some of them truly are from families that were already on those lands almost 400 years before the Trump family made it to the United States from Germany.  Donald Trump is 3rd generation.  Some residents of New Mexico are in their 20th generation.  And so, like some of the animals who have roamed the forests for centuries and do not see the hunter approaching with a gun, these New Mexicans who hail from those storied Spanish families cannot be disparaged wholly. 

Some of them simply cannot imagine that anyone would question their right to exist in the land of their state.  The really are Americans compared to Trump, like seven times more so. But were it up to Trump and his white nationalists, New Mexico would not have any brown-skinned New Mexicans or Spanish derivatives.  Period.

The ones who attended the rally who are uneducated, minimum-wage workers and veterans do offend me.  They reveal a certain amount of ignorance that makes them victims of people like Trump again and again; and they are too ignorant to see it.  None of the people I saw there seemed like the well-heeled who arrived in their Rolls craving still more tax cuts.

Some of these are displaced, and by that I mean they do not know who they are.  I know we are not supposed to criticize anyone for living their life their way, but these modern-day Frank Sinatras could be ignored if they did not pose a threat to the nation by encouraging their fellow psychopath’s re-election.  I sort of feel about these people like I do about mothers whom I see smoking around their kids.  Ignorance does kill.

On another note: Julián and Joe Biden.  I do not want to know who in the Castro camp plotted that little escapade for the debate in Houston.  It brings to mind the playing-with-fire bromide.  Ironically, Julián’s youthful appearance fed the disproportionate reaction.  Julián’s misstep was more match than bonfire.  Still, it burned away that big lead he had in the polls, so even the match singed.  The result, though, was more people wondering about the age-fitness of Bernie Sanders.  And Beto literally shooting himself out of contention was the real misfire of the night.  It shows he is more intellectual imposter than Bobby Kennedy.

The net result seems to be Democrats are making their move to Biden and Warren – at least until the voting starts. 

I shall remain for Julián until Texas votes.  I believe Hispanic/Latinos should make a political statement.  If he is not on the ballot for the primary election, I shall vote for Amy Klobuchar.  She is basically a female version of Biden without the age issue and she is from the Midwest, which could decide the election.  If she is not around by Texas-time, I shall vote for Biden.  I like Warren but we do not need the country to shift from hard-stupid to left-screech. We need stability and a time to catch our breath.

In the meantime, why doesn’t a smartie in the Castro campaign suggest a rally in New Mexico? 

Probably got burned.

Jesús (Jesse) Treviño is a former journalist living in Austin, Texas.